READ Construction

St John Plessington
6th Form

Innovative | Sustainable | CollaborativeOptimised Construction Solutions


Project name: St John Plessington 6th Form

Location: Merseyside

Contract: JCT Standard

Value: £1,300,000

Duration: 26 Weeks


Construction of a new two storey extension to St Plessington Catholic College to create a new state of the art Sixth Form Centre for its students with significant internal alterations prior to the extension to re-purpose existing spaces.

RIGHT FIRST TIME – Read’s LEAN weekly planning tool “Planned Activities Complete” (PAC) recorded a 93% success rate across the project. By combining LEAN project management tools, and driving a mid-term review of the Constraint Schedule, the Read site team effectively managed out foreseen risks well in advance of work activities, facilitating effective delivery and a “Right First Time” approach to quality.

LEAN CONSTRUCTION – Read worked closely with the client and design teams in order to minimise the disruption to teaching and examination by scheduling works appropriately. Read also provided a full-height partition along the length of the hall so that the college maintained as much use of the area as possible whilst the refurbishment and adjoining works were being undertaken.

DIVERSE CONSTRUCTION – Incorporating a mixture of modern and traditional construction materials and process, the scheme involved refurbishment, alteration and extension elements. By continuing existing established relatioships with local supply chain partners with a proven track record of successful delivery, Read’s management team ensured the works were completed with minimal adverse impact on the College.

What was said ...
  • Simon Rylance, St John Plessington

    St John Plessington Catholic College is delighted with the new Sixth Form Centre which was recently opened to students. The new state of the art facilities include an independent learning centre, English and Social Science classrooms, as well as a new Media suite which includes a cinematic Green Room. The quality of the build is extremely impressive and Read Construction Holding Limited are to be praised for the expert way they managed the project. They were extremely co-operative in their dealings with the College and their flexibility. Steve Day the site fore-man was a model of professionalism and we would certainly welcome working with Read in future projects.

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